Things are going well. School started for me about 2 weeks ago and I really like human anatomy and physiology. Right now there are some topics that are boring like chemistry, how the cell works, and what the cell is made up of... it's good to know that stuff but it's not the meat of the course which is the stuff that I'm looking forward to. It is good to do review though. I don't feel very adequate in my chemist abilities but having a review was good for me. Right now I'm working on a lab where I'm learning about epithelial cells and how they make up the tissues of different parts of our body. It will take 5 hours to complete this lab and most of the work is with the microscope and then describing what that epithelial cell is and where you can find it. It's fun but I have have to put in extra work in the lab to get this work done before next week. After working with and using microscopes for about over a year now I finally use it well and I don't get headaches from straining my eyes.
So we have decided to not sell my car since we may need it if I get a job and go to school at the same time. When we move back to Oregon we will most likely sell it if we get Roger's truck paid off. Right now though we really like the luxury of having two cars and feel very blessed that my car is still working.
Roger has been enjoying work and is now working with the 11-year-old scouts. He was called to be assistant scout master and along with that calling he teaches the 11-year-olds in primary. I have been called to serve in the primary as assistant music person or substitute teacher. It's nice that Roger and I end up in the same room now at the end of church so I don't have to go hunting for him when elders quorum and relief society get out.
Well I guess that's all for now.
Love, Ang and Rog
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