December 2nd (two days post due date) was a very busy day! I went grocery shopping, I dropped off my key at the dealership to have it programed for my car, Roger then picked me up from the dealership and drove me to my prenatal appointment which was in Portland instead of Tualatin, we then dropped by Fred Meyer to grab some dinner at the deli, we drove by Roger's cousin's place to pick up our colander that we left there by accident, then we went back to the dealer to pick up my key, and headed for home so I could work on studying for my finals.
Around 6 pm I received a text from my friend Tina, who's birthday it happened to be that day, asking me if there were any signs of labor starting. I told her no and that it looks like Porter won't be her birthday buddy unless he comes in the next 6 hours. Only 3 and half hours later my water broke! I was studying for a final and around 9:30 pm I decided that I should do some dishes and then head to bed so I can get rest in case I go into labor during the night or the days to come (pregnant women need their rest!). Well, my worst nightmare came true while standing there at the kitchen sink... my water broke and it was bedtime, and that means no sleep for me if contractions start. I was shaking uncontrollably (due to adrenalin and freaked out of my mind!) and took back all those comments I made about saying I didn't want to be pregnant anymore. I was a bit scared for I knew what the next few hours or even days would hold for me, and the shaking didn't help! I talked to my midwife and texted my mom. We weren't planning on telling anyone that I was in labor (besides my midwife of course) but once it started I wanted to text my mom because I knew it would help comfort me. And it did! After I talked to my mom I was good to go! Contractions started about an hour later. I figured I was in early/light labor but Roger thought I was making too much noise for it to be early labor and my contractions were already pretty close together. Around 11:30 pm Roger convinced me that I should call the midwife back and let her know that we would be heading to the birthing center, and it was a good thing too because by 1 am I was already dilated to 8 centimeters! If i wasn't in so much pain I would have jumped for joy! Soon after that I got into the warm birthing tub that they had all ready for me.
I figured since I was already 8cm dilated only 2.5 hours after labor started that Porter would be born very soon! Not the case. Porter wouldn't be born for another 5.5 hours (which doesn't sound terrible for I know of many women who have labored for days) of which 2 hours and 45 minutes was pushing! I didn't think I could do it. I just wanted it to be over! At Andaluz Waterbirth Center, which was where I had Porter, they don't have any pain killers besides the tub... haha. I knew this because I wanted to have an unmediated birth, but there were a few times when an epidural did sound pretty good, but we would have to pack up our things, get in the car, and drive to the hospital... that didn't sound appealing at all! I was basically too lazy to have someone drive me to the hospital to get drugs! So I stuck it out and dismissed all negative thoughts and thoughts of wanting an epidural.
Porter finally arrived at 6:28 am. He was born in the water and was placed on me by Roger. Yes, Roger caught Porter! According to the midwife and Roger, the umbilical cord was tangled all around Porter. Porter's presentation was posterior and acenclitic (came out with his face facing up and the head was tilted to one side). This was one of the reasons why my pushing stage was so long!
That bump on Porter's head was where his head came out first. As you can kind of tell it's slightly off to the side due to presenting acenclitic. That might only be a face a mother can love. I love that scrunched-up face!
Proud Daddy! |
Tired Mommy! |
Porter is 3 months old today, and life with him has been amazing! He has truly brought so much joy to our lives. I would agree with most mothers that the first two weeks are the most difficult but they went by so fast when I think about it. Porter smiles all the time and every once in awhile will give us some little laughs!
All ready to see some visitors! |
Porter's favorite place to sleep. |
First day at church |
Job shadowing dad. |
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